Whether you are in your first or last year at College, it is never too soon to start thinking about your career. Every decision you make at this stage can be crucial to where you end up working in a few years. Studying hard and getting good results is essential – but it’s not the only thing that matters. The job market has never been more competitive, so it is essential to stand out from the crowd and make yourself and your application shine.
Feeling lost already? Well, don’t – because we are here to help! We have trawled through endless websites, books, and recommendations from top professors and career gurus, to provide you with a simplified list of the top 10 ultimate skills that employers seek, and that you need, to boss your career and snag that dream job.
We have never had more time on our hands. So, why not use this lockdown period to study and sharpen those skills so that when it ends you are ready to take on the world and show those employers what you’ve got.
So, what is it that employers want to know?
1. That you can be flexible.
Our paths are rarely straightforward. The company may have a different style to you – or you may want to change your career path. No matter what it is – don’t be afraid of changing course and being proactive at making it work.
2. That you can communicate clearly.
Communication really is key. You need to be able to get your ideas and concepts across to others clearly and persuasively – both when trying to get a job and once you have landed your dream role.
3. That you can use your initiative.
Don’t be afraid of making your wonderful ideas known, and of bringing them to success. Whether this means leading a team or developing a new project – take the challenge and rock it!
4. That you’re not afraid to get creative!
Perfecting what has already been done in the past will only get you so far. Think of new and creative ways to get the job done and keep employers interested.
5. That you are super productive.
You have to work hard in order to get to where you need to be. Research those roles, message those CEOS, and never give up! Whether it’s getting the job or succeeding once you have it – be productive and success will follow.
6. That you are a keen problem solver.
Show your potential employer that you are not defeated by problems. Work out what kind of issues arise in the industry that you are planning to go into and show them that you can come up with solutions just as quickly as the problems arise.
7. That you can be a team player.
The classic phrase, ‘There is no I in team’, is more than just a cliche. Great businesses are built by even greater teams and you need to prove that you can work well as a part of one of them.
8. That you are results-driven.
You need to show that you are always working towards a specific goal. In order to get results, you need to make it your mission to meet your employer’s targets.
9. That you are a good fit for the company.
It can be difficult to negotiate a work atmosphere. Do your research, work out the type of workplace you are entering, and show your potential employer that you are the perfect fit for it.
10. That you are tech-savvy.
No matter what industry you are going into, competent use of technology will always be essential. So if you feel confident on the computer – make sure your employer knows that and leave them in no doubt that you are more than capable of keeping up.